
Se afișează postări din noiembrie, 2017

Looking for Susanna Lakatos and Csato family

I started to study the branch of Susanna, my second great grandmother with some wrong data from her first son's birth record. She was born in Saint Martin. A village with this name is everywhere in the former Austrian-Hungarian empire counties. Finally I found that Saint Martin was not the village where she was born. It was a small county named Saint Martin in the Szekler Csik county. She was born in Csatoszeg (Cetatuia) in 1835. Marriage record of Susanna's parents (1822) and birth record of Susanna (1835): Susanna: I visited the place in 2013 and  2014 and I met a cousin whose family name is Susanna's mother family name. Later I got from the Cluj archives the half of her passport which remains at the authority who issues the passport. This was from 1857 and it was for passing the border to Romania. Susanna died in 1919 in Poiana Campina. Poiana Campina has the railway station of the town Campina. Susanna's second son, Dionisie Aitici, was workin